Department of Physics




When you are considering a discipline that is challenging yet interesting, cuts across various fields of study including Engineering, Space, Geology, Biology etc, and offers you the opportunity to work in all industry, Physics is THE option. Physics at The Federal University of Technology, Akure, either at the undergraduate or postgraduate level, empowers you to be self-reliant and relevant in a competitive environment.



To develop physicists who will develop, through innovative research, technological inventions and theories that will make Nigeria self reliant.



Educate our students using the best scientific equipment, relevant materials and research based learning, delivered by sound minds, to think of solution to future problems.



The philosophy of the Federal University of Technology, Akure is to prouce technologically oriented graduates.In line with this philosophy,the Department trains graduates with a broad based knowlege of the various aspects of physics with a bias towards electronics.The programme of the Department is therefore designed to give students the required academic and practical background in Condensed Matter Physics Atmospheric Physics, Radiation and Health Physics, Communication Physics and Electronic Instrumentation Physics. The products of this programme can be easily employed in the communication, aviation and oil industry as well as research laboratories.they can also be self employed


The main objectives of the programme is to: (a) Impart to the students the fundamentals of the main branches of physics (b) Provide students with opportunity for integrating theoretical physics with practical in all branches of physics. (c) Expose the students to all aspects of applied physics which is sine qua non for the development of Condensed Matter, Electronics and Energy. (d) Equip the students with capability for Research and Development in all areas of theoretical and applied physics. (e) Prepare students to be self-reliant work after graduation.

(f)prepare students for self reliant work after graduation.